proj03 : Leaving a Legacy (counts towards lab grade)

num ready? description assigned due
proj03 true Leaving a Legacy (counts towards lab grade) Thu 03/15 11:30AM Thu 03/15 06:50PM

This lab counts 300 points towards your lab grade.

This lab MUST BE DONE IN PERSON WITH YOUR MENTOR during your week 09 lab section.

Issues for the next generation of CS56 students

To complete this lab, and be DONE with the legacy code project, you need to do EACH of these things:

  1. Make a new proj03 branch, based on your last proj02 branch.

  2. (50 pts) Do some final edits in the file of your legacy code project. Put in a section called “W18 final remarks” and in it, write a short “note” to the next set of students that will work on this legacy code project.

    Tell them exactly what you think would be helpful for them to know as they start the project: what the code does, what features could be added, what bugs exist, what opportunities for refactoring you see. Also add any advice you have on working with the code you have left them, for with legacy code in general.

  3. (250 pts) Add a new file that contains links to 500 points of issues for the next generation of CS56 students to work on.

    Link to the issue, and note how many points it is approved for, and show that this adds up to 500.

    You earn 1 point for every 2 points of issues that are referred to in this file.

    These may be issues that you came up with, or they may be issues left over from ones you mentor added, or a combination. Regardless of how the issues got there, there should be at least 500 points worth of them.

    Note, however that for issues to count towards the 500 points, they must have a “W18 OK” comment from your mentor, another mentor, a TA or an instructor. Leftover "M16 OK" or "W16 OK" etc. comments do not count. And you MUST be in lab IN PERSON to get this "OK". (See below).

    If you don’t get this OK by 2018-03-15 18:50:00 -0800 then the points don’t count.

  4. (0 pts) Do a pull request from this branch, and then GET YOUR MENTOR’S OK ON IT during lab before you leave the room. Note that this is worth 0 points, but if you don’t do it, you run the risk of getting no credit for this lab.

  5. OPTIONAL, NOT GRADED, BUT STRONGLY ENCOURAGED: review all your final pull requests with your mentor, and review the feeback repos also, to ensure that any and all concerns about your project grades are dealt with. THIS MEETING IS THE LAST OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE TO ASK ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT PROJECT GRADES. After this, the mentors and TAs are no longer available (we typically have one extra week to do this, but with the compressed 9 week quarter, we don’t this time.)

Additional Notes
